Monday, April 18, 2005

it's all in the mind

went to the city library today to try and get some revision done for the upcoming test

barely warmed the seat [ok, that's an exaggeration, was there for 45mins]

decided i couldnt study coz the mucus running down from the left nostril was irritating & distracting me.

left the library and went to the pharmacy to look see look see, maybe can self-medicate.

spurged $19 on a pack of 7 "Clarinase-24hr relief" pills, and upon stepping out of the shop felt instantly better....piangz...

it really is all psychological.

going to pop the pill now liao...ciao~

hey :) dropping by to say hi. saw ur nick while logging into imood. u sound like me when i was still studying, heh!
heyloz, wats up? haha..procrastinating

got study already ah..

wats ur blog? kpo abit :)
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